hideto heshiki | serioushobbys


Premiere: 21. April 2009,
Kaserne Basel (CH)

Der für seine vibrierende Präsenz und atemberPremiere: April 21st 2009,
Kaserne Basel (CH)

Hideto Heshiki, who is known for his vibrating presence and breathtaking movements, has created a solo after several group pieces. The startingpoint of the short piece «Dawn» was «Electric Counterpoint» (1987), a guitar piece by Steve Reich. Reich has composed this 14 minutes long piece for one live electronic guitar and thirteen electronic guitars on tape. «Electric Counterpoint» contains a mathematical structure and fluent rhythm changes. Hideto Heshiki takes this flow, plays with the shifting intensity of his movements and creates counterpoints to the music. Hideto Heshikis performance is accompanied by the live acoustic guitar of Christian Buck and Jens Groos from anemos|gitarrenquartett and twelve guitar tracks. The anemos|gitarrenquartett has made a new version of «Electric Counterpoint» with acoustic guitars, a lighter and more organic version of Steve Reich’s piece.

Choreography/Dance Hideto Heshiki Guitar Christian Buck, Jens Groos (anemos|gitarrenquartett) Music Steve Reich, Electric Counterpoint Light Fiona Zolg Sound Dominik Kessler Coporoduction Davos Festival – Young Artists in Concert Production Management Sarah Maierg